A couple of weeks ago I posted a blog on one of the causes of bad breath which you can find HERE. I mentioned then that I like to use the orabrush to help clean my tongue (especially the very back of my tongue). And today I'm happy to bring to you my personal experience and review on this great oral aid that has helped me and several of my patients fight bad breath.
So what is an orabrush?
The orabrush is a tongue brush/scraper with tapered plastic "bristles" and a soft scraper at the end of it. This brush has been specifically design to help clean the tongue and help fight bad breath. You can find the orabrush at some retail stores and on Amazon. HERE is an affiliated link in case you would like to buy one for yourself.
What are the benefits of using an orabrush?
The orabrush, just like many other tongue scrapers and methods of brushing the tongue, assists in cleaning the junk and bacteria that sits and hides on the tongue. I personally like and recommend the orabrush because I feel that its tapered shaped "bristles" help reach deep into the crevices of your tongue, increasing the amount of debris and buildup that is able to remove. The scraper at the end of the brush assists in maximizing the amount junk that is removed.
How do you use an orabrush?
It's easy to use, simply brush your tongue starting from the very back of it to the front of it (don't brush back and forth) and watch the junk come out. I recommend that you tilt the brush a bit so that the scraper at the end of the brush is touching the tongue at all times, because this is what helps bring all the junk forward and off the tongue. After you're done place the orabrush under running water to rinse and let it sit outside (not in a drawer) so it can air dry. It also helps to dip the orabrush into a cup with anti-microbial mouth rinse for 30 seconds to help sanitize the brush head.
Remember to replace your orabrush every 3 months with a new one as they can harvest millions of unwanted bacteria and become ineffective when the "bristles" start to curl!
My finals thoughts on the orabrush.
I believe the orabrush is very effective tongue scraper, certainly the most effective one I've tried and I continue to use on a daily basis. The fact that the creator(s) of this brush/scraper thought about making a brush head that integrates both a brush and a tongue scraper into one brush makes it a very a unique and convenient brush to use.
I believe the orabrush could be improved by making the scraper a little more sturdy (maybe slightly serrated) so that more junk can be trapped and removed when using the scraper. Nevertheless, I give the orabrush a 4.5/5 stars and will continue to recommend this great oral product to all of my patients and those of you who want to keep a clean tongue and fresh breath!
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